This page will walk the user through the Patient Dashboard.
Patient Dashboard
The patient dashboard provides a location to display and edit all patient information. From the patient dashboard the user can see patient demographics, patient eligibility, previously written prescriptions, past medications, allergies, problem (Diagnosis) and edit this information. This is also the location where prescriptions will be written for the patient.
There are two ways to get to the patient’s dashboard, the first way is to perform a patient search using the patient search box in the top left next to the NEMO Rx logo.

The second way is to click on the patients name where applicable, for example under the prescriptions list in the default dashboard you can click the patients name to be taken to that patient’s dashboard.

Once on the patient portal the user can view or perform the following items:
- Patients Demographics
- Eligibility and Patient Eligibility
- Summary
- Prescriptions
- Medications
- Allergies
- Problems
- Prescribe
Patient Demographics
To open the patient demographics, pop up click the pencil icon in the top left of the screen.

Once the pop up has opened the user is able to enter in the basic demographic information for the patient. The fields marked with *required below are required to save the patients demographics.

Eligibility and Patient Eligibility
Once the user begins writing a prescription the patients eligibility information will be populated to the left-hand side of the screen.

Under the Summary tab of the patient’s dashboard the user will see a list of previously prescribed medications, a medication history, allergies and problems (diagnosis). The user can also add these items to each section.
Prescriptions shows a list of prescriptions which have been written for the patient through the NEMO Rx application.

This list of prescriptions can be sorted by the following filters:
- Pending – This is a list of pending prescriptions and the medication details.
- In the pending list the user can print, send or cancel the medication using the icons on the right hand side.
- The user can send multiple pending prescriptions by using the check boxes and the "Send Selected" button.
- Sent - This is a list of previously sent prescriptions for this patient.
- The user can see the prescription status (Verified or Pending) in the medication description.
- The user is also able to cancel the prescription or create a new prescription based on the old prescription using the icons on the right.
- Printed
- The user can see the details of the prescription and print the prescription using the icon on the right.
- Cancelled Before Sending
- The user can see the details of the prescription
- Cancelled After Sending
- The user can see the details of the prescription and create a new prescription, edit the prescription or delete the prescription using the icons on the right.
The Medications list provides a location to store the patient’s previous medication history. These are prescriptions not written in the NEMO Rx application which the patient may currently be taking or have taken in the past.

There are two ways to add medications to this list:
- Add – Allows the user to search for and manually add a medication to the patient’s chart.

* On the search medication screen the user can search by medication name or description by typing in the search criteria.
* Once a medication is selected the user can add in the specific details for that medication.
- PBM (Pharmacy Benefit Manager) – Allows the user to add a medication along with the medication details retrieved from participating pharmacies.

Medications can be removed, edited or prescribed to the patient using the icons on the right of the medications list.
The allergies list provides a location to store the patient’s allergy information.

Allergies can be added using the Add button. This will bring up the Add allergy pop up where the user can search for the allergy and set the specific details of that allergy.

Allergies can be edit or removed using the icons on the right of the allergy list.
The Problems list provides a location to store the patient’s diagnosis codes.

To add a diagnosis code to the problems list, click the add button, enter the diagnosis code and description and click submit.

Diagnosis codes can be removed or edited by clicking the icon on the right of the problems list.
The Pharmacies tab of the patient's chart is where the user or provider can add pharmacy favorites for the patient, practice, or user. Once you have clicked on the Pharmacies tab the patient pharmacies will be displayed. If the patient does not have any pharmacies the pharmacy search screen will be displayed. On the Pharmacies tab the user can view different pharmacy favorite lists by clicking the filter drop down.
- Practice Favorites - Displays the practices favorite pharmacies.
- Mail Order - Displays a list of all current Mail order pharmacies.
- User Favorites - Displays the users favorite pharmacies.
- Patient Pharmacies - Displays the patients favorite pharmacies.
- Most Used Pharmacies - Displays a list of the pharmacies the practice uses most often.
- Search - Allows the user to search for pharmacies.
Once the user has selected the appropriate favorite list or search, pharmacies can be added or removed using the corresponding button. To order the pharmacies click the up and/or down arrows. This will change the position of the pharmacy in the list.

The prescribe tab of the patient’s chart is where the Provider can prescribe a medication for the patient. Once you have clicked on the prescribe tab any available eligibility information should show beneath the patients contact information. Once you click on the prescribe tab the prescription writing process will start with the search screen. For detailed information about prescribing please click here